My people
After much deliberation, my family and I have decided that I should heed the call from the numerous persons who have called or met me personally and openly expressed their hope and confidence in me to come back on the leadership scene in the community to be a voice for the voiceless, hope for those in despair and a reason to believe that as a people, as a community, and as a country, we can be better!
Indeed, fellow residents, I am more than humbled to know that you have me in such high esteem and though I had no intentions to get back into active politics, my gut instinct was that I could not resist such passionate pleads at this time in our development. Indeed, I cannot promise you milk and honey, but I can affirm my resolve to work with all stakeholders and that includes you and everyone else who have your genuine holistic development at heart
Indeed, this unifying approach for persons to represent us at the highest level by Team Dominica United Workers Party is a true manifestation of democracy in action. This is a world of difference compared to the ruling Labour Party who will secretively plan and take actions in your absence and try to force their deceptiveness down your throat on one hand and humiliate some on the other.
Almost twenty years ago, the Dominica Labour Party took over the helm of governance of this country and today as we ask ourselves what have we achieved during the last two decades, we come to the sad and shocking realization that our country and our communities have not ventured very far at all.
Rather, we have all seen the level of decadence which has proliferated in our communities mirrored in sky rocketing unemployment, escalating poverty, mushrooming crime and violence, shabby and crumbling infrastructure and we can go on at a time when our neighbors in the Caribbean continue to make steady strides in moving forward. Yet there are those who want you to believe that this is the best that you can be and that you should not question the status quo in your search for a more full filling life.
Indeed, the parliament is the highest decision making body in the land and the decisions taken can have far reaching implications on generations to come, even the unborn child. Therefore, selecting persons to represent you at this level cannot be a gamble nor based on handouts or a few hundred dollars. You and I have seen the result of this approach including the economic doldrum in which we have found ourselves during the past nineteen years.
The level of representation which we need going forward calls for all of us to think hard of our future wellbeing, not based on instant gratification and dependence on others as this decision will determine what type of education your children will have, whether you or your loved ones will die in a hospital that is understaffed and poorly equipped lacking even the most basic medication while the close associates of the Labour Party are flown overseas by helicopter for health care which should be available in our country.