Dominica Education Editor's Choice

Dominican Students to Participate in Regional Debating Competition

Dominican Students to Participate in Regional Debating Competition

A debating team from the Dominica State College leaves the island on Thursday, February 28th for Grenada to participate in the Windward Islands Debating Competition. Dominica is the defending champion, having won the competition in 2018 and also in the previous year, 2019.

The T.A Marryshow Community College (TAMCC) will host the Windward Islands Debating Competition (WIDC).  The other two participating Colleges are the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College representing St. Lucia, and the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College representing St. Vincent.  The debate will run over a two-day period with teams participating in a semi-final and final round.

The aim of the WIDC is to reinforce the multidisciplinary approach, which is needed to assess the needs of Caribbean societies and nurture critical thinkers who will help shape the democratic societies of the Caribbean region.  It will also serve to promote regional integration, collegial information sharing and cultural exchanges.

Elleen Commodore, Kodie Jean-Jacques, Abiyomhi Joseph and Keauntae Harrigan will represent Dominica.

They will debate on the topics:

  1. “Public Private Partnerships are the most viable methods of financing development projects in the OECS”
  2. “The current education system in the region is based on a curriculum which adequately prepares students for jobs of the future.”
  3. “It is in Caricom’s best interest to help Venezuela get out of its current economic morass.”

Coach and Advisor of the Dominica State College Literary and Debating Society, Trudy Christian will accompany the debaters.

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