On Tuesday, July 9, 2019, the Dominica State College (DSC) will host its 17th annual commencement ceremony at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium (WPSS) from 3.00pm. At this ceremony the Board of Governors, President, management and staff of DSC will celebrate the accomplishments of well over 300 students.
As is customary, the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Dr. Ian Lambert, will convey the welcome address. President of the Dominica State College, Dr. Donald C. Peters will give the charge to the graduands. The Minister for Education and Human Resource Development, Honourable Petter St. Jean, is expected to deliver the feature address. Ms. Frederica James, one of our DSC lecturers will preside over the ceremony. DSC is proud to announce this year’s keynote speaker is Father Herman Sharplis, a true son of the soil, well known for his community activism and charismatic preaching. Father Sharplis has just completed his Masters in Canon Law at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Canada.
At the commencement ceremony, fifty-six (56) students will graduate with honors having obtained a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or above. Notably, two students will graduate with bachelor’s degrees. Outstanding graduates across all programs will receive special awards, the major highlight of which is the Valedictorian award chosen on the basis of outstanding academic performance and significant contribution to collegiate life and community outreach.
The Dominica State College is proud to present this year’s graduating class to the Dominican public and commends them for their commitment to success despite significant challenges posed to them in the post-hurricane era.