Dominica Editor's Choice

Dominica Nurses Association Solidarity Message on COVID-19

Dominica Nurses Association Solidarity Message on COVID-19

The Dominica Nurses Association extends solidarity to all nurses, physicians and other health workers on Dominica, in the region and the world. Here you are front and centre doing what you do best, what you love to do, caring for your nations, as the COVID-19 pandemic races from continent to continent, country to country, savagely attacking our health and our wealth, stealing health workers and loved ones alike. It threatens the very root and future of our generation and profession, the reason we must fight it and fight it we must.

I note, with pride, the applause and praises heaped on you over the past weeks and this is welcomed and appreciated. Gratitude is a must! I would also like to remind us that these, along with your dedication and commitment, are not sufficient ammunition to take on the COVID-19 battle. No soldier goes into battle without training and full armour, neither should nurses and health workers go into a pandemic without proper protective personal equipment, adequate training, psychological preparation and support, and everything else that lends itself to winning the COVID-19 war. Patient resources like beds and ventilators, supportive treatment and supplies are also paramount.



Regretfully our army is small and already burnt-out, and some of us are exempted from the battle because of chronic underlying illnesses. Mindful of this, government has sought the assistance of a contingent of nurses and other health workers who arrived from Cuba on Sunday, 29 March. On behalf of the nursing fraternity, and you the public, I thank the government for this move. The Dominica Nurses Association endorses the closure of our borders, strict quarantine, and stay at home order for non-health and non-essential workers implemented by the Government of Dominica. I solemnly urge you the public to conform to these measures but to also continue practicing the following:

  1. Covering your cough and sneeze in paper tissue and throw tissue in bin;
  2. Washing hands frequently with soap and water;
  3. Cleaning surfaces frequently with approved cleaning solutions (1 gallon water to 10 ounces bleach, 70% and above Alcohol, or Lysol);
  4. Keeping hydrated, managing chronic disease, eating recommended servings of minerals and vitamins to boast you immune system, resting, and limiting alcohol consumption;
  5. Practicing Social

This is the only way we can “Flatten the Curve”.

Nurse George Poe Williams watched colleagues die as Ebola killed over 8% of the Liberian health workforce in 2014. Now, he has a message for you and governments around the world facing the #CoronaVirus: #SafeWorkersSaveLives (PSI, 2019). “I am cognizant of the fact that many health workers are dying form COVID -19 but according to Rosa Pavanelli, Public Service International General Secretary, ‘We do not want health workers to become dead heroes.’ And we need as many health workers as possible to be alive and healthy to keep up the good work they are doing.” (PSI, 2020)

The WHO Director General, Dr Tedros, also cautions us, “Even if we do everything right and we don’t prioritize protecting health workers, many people will die because the health worker who could have saved their lives is sick.” All this means, therefore, is that nurses and other health workers have a part to play and have a say. Seize your right and responsibility to protect yourself and brace yourself for duty and responsibility to fight COVID -19. It is not enough to say we are all in this together, I want us to do the right and best evidence-based practices together. I want us to support each other in compassionate, practical, spiritual and positive ways, so most, if not all of us, overcome this together. God’s continued blessing and favour upon you and your family, friends and loved ones today, tomorrow and forever.


Mignon Rolle-Shillingford

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EmoNews Contributor

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