Dominica Editor's Choice

Dominica Has Flattened The Curve Says National Epidemiologist

Dominica Has Flattened The Curve Says National Epidemiologist

National epidemiologist, Dr. Shaluddin Ahmed says that it has been exactly 14 days since Dominica last reported a positive case of COVID-19, thus we can safely say that we have flattened the curve.

Additionally, according to Ahmed, Dominica boasts of having the highest testing rate per capita. However, inspite of all of these successes, Dr. Ahmed urges the general public not to get complacent. He says that immunity to this virus is questionable and that research into the virus is still continuing. Therefore we must not let down our guard as a country. We must continue social distancing and curfew measures, practice good hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and mask wearing in order to safely come out of this pandemic.

Dominica reported its 16th positive COVID-19 case on April 7.

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