The Director of Primary Health Care in Dominica, Dr.Laura Esprit, commended Dominicans for utilizing the COVID-19 hotline which was set up to provide information about the disease and advise persons as to the next steps if they feel that they may have come into contact with the virus. Dr. Esprit said, “We applaud you for your effort and urge you to continue to utilize this tool rather than self referral if you are presenting with flu like symptoms”.
However, Dr. Esprit had a stern reprimand for persons who misuse the hotline. She said that some persons are calling to request strips for glaucoma testing machines, pampers, groceries or for a ride; others call if their throat is tingling or to report their neighbor who sneezed or coughed. Dr. Esprit said that such persons are posing a challenge to those who have volunteered to man the hotline and should immediately cease from misusing the hotline. The COVID-19 hotline should be used when one is presenting with flu like symptoms including a fever, shortness of breath and other respiratory problems, sore throat and a dry cough.
Dr. Esprit reminded the general public that primary health care staff are still available to attend to regular needs such as wound dressing and maternal child care. Also, there is still on call services available at the health districts.
Further, Dr. Esprit called for persons to cooperate with health officials who are conducting contact tracing and also to respect patients privacy by not posting videos of an ambulance pick up on social media.
Dr. Esprit made these comments during the Ministry of Health press briefing on Friday 3 April. 2020