Mrs. Chekira Lockhart-Hypolite, Bursar at the Dominica State College and DLP hopeful for Roseau South is confident that after “travelling in every hill and valley and engaging residents in every community”, Roseau South is “ready to be red”.
At her launching on Sunday 2nd, June, she said that Labour is in her blood as her grandfather once went up on a labour party ticket. Her decision to enter politics is not for self-gain but “it is rooted in a genuine desire to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of my people”.
“I humbly present myself as the Labour party candidate for the Roseau South Constituency and I say with no fear of contradiction because you the people of Roseau South want me to be, to provide the representation this constituency lacked for the past five years. We need representation that is strong and effective. We need representation that has the capacity for clear thought. We need representation that is focused, competent, genuine and godfearing”.
She pledged to be a humble, godfearing servant and to “restore respect and reverence to the elected representation of Roseau South and to eliminate the deception, the disrespect and the dishonesty that has embarrassed us here in Roseau South for the past five years”.
Further, she knows what the people need and promises to fight for them to deliver progress and not ‘comess’. She proposes a short term, mid-term and long term housing plan for the constituency. She promised to deliver her Roseau South development plan to the Prime Minister as soon as she was finished speaking. She divided the constituency into seven zonal districts with a construction coordinator, assistant, assessor, and tradesmen. She promised that when needs are assessed, an efficient, fair and transparent process will be employed to meet such needs.
Mrs. Hypolite reminded Dominicans, “No force on Earth, not even Hurricane Lennox will prevent the members of the Diaspora from exercising their democratic rights under our laws and returning this Labour party to Government”. She said, “The continuous chorus of hate, negativity, unwarranted protestation, fake news, propaganda, division, and deception must be stopped. We’ve had too much of this and it is high time that these acts of political desperation and violence must be brought to a dramatic halt”.
Hypolite sees it as our “moral responsibility to see to it that team UWP and its operatives shall never ever succeed in preventing the Diaspora from voting”. She also encouraged Linton to return to school especially now that tuition at the State College is free.
Mrs. Hypolite is seeking to unseat Joshua Francis of the UWP.