On Thursday 1st July, the Dominica Export Import Agency will be 35 years old. Established by Act No. 14, on 1st July 1986, the government statutory body was created to spearhead the development of Dominica’s export sector with a focus on Agriculture, Agro-Processing and more recently, Cultural Industries and Professional Services. In observance of its 35th anniversary, the Agency will host a week of activities commencing on Monday 28th June and ending on Sunday 4th July 2021.
“DEXIA has come a long way these past three decades and during this week of celebrations we are focusing on where we have been, where we are and where we are going,” says DEXIA’s General Manager Paula Platsko.
She adds, “Though it’s a short period, we hope that it will encapsulate our journey thus far and that the public will engage with us during this celebration of our contributions to Dominica’s economy.”
This milestone anniversary will be celebrated under the theme “Forging Ahead with Agriculture, Services and Trade” and commence with a church service at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church on Monday 28th June 2021. The following day a panel discussion on the topic “DEXIA’s Relevance, Today and Tomorrow” will take place at the Fort Young Hotel. On Wednesday 30th June 2021 representatives from All Saints University, Fresh Market Pharmacy, Jollys Pharmacy, Dominica Health and Wellness Association, Nurse Manuella Germaine and Sagicor will be engaging the public at the Roseau Market for a “Health and Wellness Day.” Customer Appreciation Day will be held at all DEXIA locations on Thuursday 1st July 2021 which is Anniversary Day. The Multi Purpose Pack Houses will host two training sessions in Roseau and Portsmouth on that day focusing on Customer Service and targetting farmers, clients, hucksters, exporters and staff. The Agency will also make donations of food baskets to The Dominica Infirmary, Chances, Community Hostel Inc. (Grotto Home), House of Hope and Grange Home for the Aged throughout the week. The 35th Anniversary activities culminate with a Staff outing on Sunday 4th July 2021.
Under the direction of the Ministry of Trade, Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business and Export Development, DEXIA has been a key player in the export of goods and services from Dominica. The Agency developed the Business Gateway Project in 2008 which was funded by the European Union. The National Export Stategy was developed in collaboration with Interational Trade Centre and its implementation was funded by the Caribbean Development Bank. Additionally, the Cocoa Cluster Development Project was developed in 2019 to revitalise the Cocoa Indusry after the devasting effects of Hurricane Maria in 2017.
From 2018, the Agency successfully hosted the annual Strictly Local Christmas Village event. This is an avenue for local artisans and producers to showcase items with opportunity for sale. DEXIA has also promoted Dominican products at several events in the region and the world to include CARIFESTA and the World Expo (Shanghai 2010, Milan 2015, Kazakhstan 2017 and upcoming Dubai 2021).
DEXIA invites the general public to engage with the Agency in celebration of 35 years of Service in Trade. Please follow the various activities via the Agency’s Facebook page www.Facebook.com/DEXIADominica.