Dominica Death Announcement

Death Anouncement of 73 year old Claudius James Bellot of St Joseph

Death Anouncement of 73 year old Claudius James Bellot of St Joseph

We announce the death of Claudius James Bellot

Age 73 of St. Joseph

He died on Saturday, 13th August 2022

He leaves to mourn:


  • Catherine Bellot One son:
  • Hussien Bellot in Canada

Two Grandson:

  • Owen and Noah Bellot

Step children: Brendan, Mario, Genevive and Dr. Juanita Ferreira. Gladys, Glandis, Monica, Frances, Lizette, Nassau, Junior, Tay-J, G-miyah, Mickelle and Cody.


  • Mathew Williams
  • Mc Donald Ryan
  • Ramson williams


  • Zephrina Ryan
  • Verna Williams Bass
  • Elizabeth Nicolas Aunts:
  • Phlina Madir

Nieces and Nephews including:

  • Juilet Simon
  • Bonny, Bernadine, Christel and Romeo
  • Johanna Nicolas
  • Nora Bass
  • Rochelle Belle
  • Reann
  • Ranjae

Nine Grand nephews and six grandnieces Brothers in-law:

  • Bernard Ryan
  • Samuel  and Hopson Shillingford
  • Osborne Nicolas Sisters in-law
  • Patrica Shillingford-Chambers
  • Elizabeth Dalrymple


  • Marie Brown, Venus Gray, Delicia Ravaliere, and Royette Cook their families
  • Juliette and Wilma in the U.S.A
  • Audrine Bully
  • Nomie Daniel
  • Francine, Cheryl, Jeffrey and Earlson Madir
  • Henno and Jena Brade


  • Christine Anthony
  • St Joseph Health District
  • Members of the St Joseph Fire and Ambulance Department

Close Friend:

  • Fitz and
  • Angela Romain Other friends including:
  • Emaline Joseph
  • Retelina Bully and Ma Greena and families
  • Mignon
  • Diayne
  • Beldon
  • Rudette
  • Linda
  • Alicia
  • Dean
  • Shawn
  • Marva
  • Ma Young
  • Ma Hugh

More Friends and family include:

  • Members of the Somerset Club
  • Members of the Revive The Heart Church
  • Members of the Adventist Church
  • Members of the Catholic Church

The body of Claudius James Bellot will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 1:30pm on Thursday 25th August at the St. Joseph SDA Church. Funeral Service begins at 2:00pm followed by interment at the Salisbury Gospel Hall Burial Ground.

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