We announce the death of the late Duverela Victor Andrew, better known as Senta, Girley and Jackson from Zicack, Portsmouth who resided in Antigua. He died on 30th March, 2022 in Dominica at the age
of 58. ( Sunrise: 17th October, 1963 – Sunset: 30th March, 2022).
He was the son of deceased Hudson and Anelta Andrew, and left behind:
His children:
Sons: Shewin and Rondel Andrew
Daughters: Kemasha, Sherma, and Chelsea Andrew, Davina Andrew Gabriel and Dionne Andrew Pierre Louis
Grand Children: Danica, Christina, Christell, Ava, Blessing, Shermiah, Sherman, AJ, Emard, Kenard, Kaiden, Rishawn, Jaiden and Roneil
Brothers: Charles, Nicholson, Mervin, Mark, Neville, Anthony, Nicholas, Reginald, Edmund and Roy Andrew
Sisters: Catherine, Corine, Corina, Sherena Andrew. Merle, Veron AndrewBazil and Mavis Andrew-Bynoe
Sons in Law: Josiah Pierre-Louis, and Percel Gabriel
Daughter in Law: Nikisha Andrew
Brother in Law: Duncan Bynoe
Sisters in Law: Agnes, Bernadette and Cheryl Andrew
Several Nephews Including: Philsbert, Mc Lean, Gillet, McPherson, Michael, Ashemon, Marquez, Andrew, Darren, Andre, Jomo, Jermoy, Ashby, Leon, Ashe, Alister and Patrick
Many Nieces Including: Merlyn, Nicole, Asha, Christine, Ermyne, Caesarina, Corinthia, Cassandra, Ernie, Annette, Christel, Dymond, Hadasha, Deandra, Donna, Avril, Kim, Nixia, Trudey, Naomi, Annie, and Rita
Numerous Grand Nieces and Nephews including: Marcelle, Carla, Keziah, Jamaine, Mikhaila, Maleah, Veonard, Franklyn, Kayden and Mikhail
Cousins including: Rosemarie Joseph and family, Gertrude George and family, Philia, Olive, Olivia, Merlyn, Joycelyn and Webster, Petra, Ernest and Ali Warrington; Andrew, David, Vivian and Amon Remy; Elma,
Athleen and Gibson Williams; Judith Mitchel and Steinberg Henry and family
Special Friends: Junie Gage and Justina Cognet
Other Friends and Well Wishers: Monty, Thorton, Hebrews, Peanuts, Beatrice, Betty, Theresa, Micah, Celia, Jesulene, Molette Smith and Family, Mary, Sandy, Theresa, Julie, Patricia and Felicia Thomas, Julian and Griffin King, Archie, Dickson, Kenton and Bervinia Dyer, Trevor, Shakeem, the Magloire family, and
many other family and friends in Dominica and Antigua, too numerous to mention.
The funeral service of the late Duverela Victor Andrew better known as ‘Senta, Jackson and Girley will be held at the Reconciliation and Deliverance Ministries, Michael Douglas Blvd. Glanvillia, Portsmouth from 3:00pm, with viewing from 2:30pm, on Monday 25th April, 2022. The burial will be at the Portsmouth Public Cemetery at Chance.