Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 96 year old Weltina Jno. Baptiste, better known as Ma Coco, of Mahaut

Death Announcement of 96 year old Weltina Jno. Baptiste, better known as Ma Coco, of Mahaut

We announce the death of Weltina Jno. Baptiste, better known as Ma Coco, of Mahaut, age 96, who passed away on Sep 11th, 2024. She was a member of the Roman Catholic Church of Mahaut.

She leaves to mourn

Her son – Gerald Thomas,

Daughter-in-law – Edlina Thomas,

Grandson – Karl Thomas;

Great grand children – Mekhi and Nevaeh Thomas all living in Canada;

Sisters – Bessilia Jno Baptiste in Mahaut, Janet Jno Baptiste in the United States, and Fortuna Esprit in the United Kingdom

She is survived by numerous nephews, nieces, grandnephews and grandnieces including Gregory James and Nicholas Duffin in Dominica, Esmond Andrew in St. Kitts; Sobers and Calvin Esprit in Mahaut; Joseph Matthew, Lecturer at the Dominica State College and his wife Louvenia Matthew; Margaret Anson, Jennifer Matthew, Cecilia Etienne, Vincent and Michelle Charles in the United States; Sheryl, Rosiana and Charmain Jno. Baptiste, including Shaun Reynold, Naomi and Maggie Etienne; Hiltony Jno Baptiste and family in Mahaut; families of Francilia, Antonia, Pandora, Alex, Johnson, Abraham and John Jno Baptiste in Mahaut; Ann, Germain and Ronald Jno Baptiste in the United Kingdom; Jada and Germain Esprit in the United States; Asher and Abigail Matthew in the United States; David, Edna, Agatha and Lynise Esprit in the United Kingdom; Magistrate Michael Laudat, Gweneth, Lucita, Corinthia, Cluster, Alwin, Desmond, Beautina and family in Warner; Hughes, Ronald, Lucy, Rosie and Verna Jno. Baptiste both in Dominica and the United States; Breck, Orville, Emile and Ronald Joseph in the United States; the families of Walter, John, Lennox and Annie Jno. Baptist in Mahaut and Les Point.

She is survived by other relatives and close friends including Poly Jno Baptiste, Irvince Luke and Bernadette Anthony in Mahaut; the Esprit, Canoville, Jno. Baptiste and Anthony families of Mahaut; Barrister Julien Prevost and family of Mahaut; Families of Allan Serrant, Ma Coolie and Ma Petite of Mahaut; other names too numerous to mention.

The body of the late Weltina Jno. Baptiste, better known as Ma Coco of Mahaut, will be transported from the North Eastern Funeral Home for viewing on Saturday 28th September, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Martin De Porres Chapel at Canefield.  Funeral mass begins at 10:00 am, followed by interment at the Mahaut Public Cemetery.

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