Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 94 year old Eula Veronica Thomas of Marigot who resided at Jimmit

Death Announcement of 94 year old Eula Veronica Thomas of Marigot who resided at Jimmit

We announce the death of 94 year old Eula Veronica Thomas of Marigot who resided at Jimmit. She passed away July 7th 2024.

Left to mourn:

2 children: Verline Charles AKA Judith Charles and family St Maarten

Rector Lee AKA Ricky Lee and family Dominica

9 grand children: Dudley LaRocque St Maarten, Ellison Charles -Florida USA, Michel Charles, England, Hughette Gabet, St Maarten, Henrietta Montoute, Guadeloupe, Hughes Gabet France, Lisa Lee St Kitts, Tamisha Charles St Maarten, Ricardo Lee Dominica

3 In-Laws: Florestine LaRocque St Maarten, Alicia Charles Florida USA, Montoute Eric Guadeloupe

18 great, great grand children

8 great, great, great grand children too numerous to mention

10 nieces including Cynthia Thomas, Joan Smith, Aldith Scotland, Janice Thomas, Marvlyn Thomas

12 nephews including: Errol Thomas, Hanford Thomas, Johnny Thomas, Dr. Winston Thomas

Relatives in Marigot,The Carltons, Williams, Ducreys, Dorsettes,

Grand Fond, The Cuffy’s, Prince, Pascals; Wesley The Ewards, Phillips

Close friends Elizabeth Prevost, Dilma Williams, Janeta James, Al Davis, Laura St. Luce, Clarise Williams

Neighbors Lucia, John, Periman, Edwina, Phony, Community of Wills Valley, Sams Gutter, Marigot

The Funeral service will be held on Friday July 19th 2024 at 2.00 PM, at the Marigot Methodist Church, followed by the interment.

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