We announce the death of Richard Emanuel Charles David better known as Richie or Richo of Kings Hill age 90. He died at his residence on December 2, 2021
Left to Mourn
His wife: Bernadine David
11 children: Ervinia, Richardson, John , Davina Abraham, Ruth-Ann, Lucern, Richard David Jr., Cora Jankee, Geraldine Vital and Aurelia David and
Adopted Daughter: Fedlin Lloyd
26 Grand-children: Albert Titre, Solange & Ratchel Francis, Kenia Prosper, Makiba, Kyle, Karina, Grant, Marlon Davi, Christopher and Riana David Clifton and Clinton Thomas, Ginora and Naomi Jankee, Mario and Omari Williams, Jada Esprit,Miracle Vital, Kenny Lewis, Hermia Page, Mahalia Abraham, Kimaura Theodore, Cassandra Lewis, Miguel Blanchard, Natasha Pond,
Numerous Great Grand Children including: Treasure Anthony, Kaydie and Kaleb Theodore
Keira Prosper, Kerynna Mitchel
Sister: Kathlyn Joseph
Daughters in law: Beryl and Agatha David
Sons in Law: David Vital and Cyril Abraham
Nieces: Lizzy Joseph, Tina Warrington, Nazarene Thomas, Etheldra James, Avril and Carol Casimir.
Nephews: Egbert Casimir, Charles and Henderson Joseph, Edward Sablon
Numerous Grand Nieces and Nephews
Good friend: Haiden Joseph
Special Friend: Eudina Luke
Helpers: Lambert Oscar and Snokes St Luce
Caretakers: Marilyn Joseph and Lily
Medical Personals: Doctors Newton, Adis King, Ade Aderibigbe and Ken Jacob; Nurses Rosie Felix, Julia Laudat and staff of the Roseau Health Centre
Parish Priest: Fr. Francis Nwachukwu
Lay Minister: Richard Didier and helper Mona James
Former employees of L. Rose and Company and their families including; Amour Thomas and Andrew Baron
Other relatives and friends including:;The Greenaway, Roberts and Ettienne families in Kingshill, The Peters at Hillsborough Street, The Clarks in Trafalgar,
Pat Aaron and the rest of the Aaron families in Portsmouth and the David families in Pottersville, Goodwill, and Portsmouth.
Communities of Kings Hill including Ma Anza and family Felix Thomas and family; Atkinson
Kalinago Territory, Trafalgar, Bath Estate, Soufriere and Scotts Head
Former Neighbours and friends of Kennedy Avenue including: The Lee, Johnson, Phyllis Stuart and families, and many more too numerous to mention.
The body of the late Richard Emanuel Charles David will be laid to rest on 15th December 2021, 10:00 am. A funeral service will be held at Our Lady of Fatima Church in New Town, followed by interment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.