Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 84 year old Charles Laville of Penville

Death Announcement of 84 year old Charles Laville of Penville

We sadly announce the death of Charles Laville age 84 of Lower Penville.  He died on Sunday May 12th 2024 at the RFA Portsmouth Hospital.

He is survived by his;

Wife: Olivia Laville

Brothers: Lipson, Norris and twin brother Charlie Laville

Sisters: Eutina Scotland, Martina Carrette, Andrea Yorke & Odeal Leblanc

Step son: John Royer

Adopted Children: Samantha Bynoe and Jollina James

Daughters in law:  Sharon Laville and Tina Royer

Grandchildren:  Alisha & Felisha Laville

Adopted grand & Great grandchildren: Victoria, Michelle and Junior Royer, Charles, Kimberly, Bernadine, Alliah, Alexcia & Roberta Bynoe, Terry Ettienne, Kimberly and Emerly James, Samson and Christine Charles, and Dane Taylor, Jerimiah, Jayden and Jasmine Oscar.

Nieces & nephews including: Mary Robinson, Alexcina, Simorn, Israel, Charlesworth, Henderson,  Mikey, Susan Joseph, Hannah, Murium, Nicolson, Corine, Alexander and Cecil, Annette Giraudel, Maria Ducreay, Paul, Angus, Fitzroy & Joyette Carrette, Dewel, Anthony and Michael Yorke, Racheal Scott, Lorraine Starr, Joy & Jeanel Leblance, Magaret, Eugene, Wendy, Ralton, Lucy, Eddie and Mickael Desbonnes, Davina, Marina Honore, Marilyn Broomfield, Darius, Claude, Nelson, Dale, Philsbert, Charlena and Esther Laville,

Grandnieces & nephews: Kayana and Lindel Robinson, Mellissa, Chantal, Latoya, Nikki, Dwight, Darina, Traverse, Kesha and Ashelle

Brothers in – Law :Rosie York, Julien Leblanc, Augustin, Peter and Rupert

Sisters in- Law :Nora, Virginia, Nathalie Laville, and Juliette

Special Nieces in –Law:Anthea Seaman, Junie, Annie and Rose

Close Nephews in-Law : Dave Robinson and Lawrence

Friends, caretakers & neighbors:  Rudolph and Gloria Anatol, Zeedoor, Felix, Maydah, Bryan, Sylvia, Eddy, Monica,Vivian, Brown, Elaine, Jeany, Godfrey and Maria Ettienne, Ma Parson, Madalyn ,Janice Sharplis, Darroux, Corriette, Leslie, Nenette’s restaurant, nurses & Drs. at Penville health Center, Portsmouth and Dominica China Friendship Hospital, Healing Hands Nursing home, Hon. Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit the communities of  Penville, Vielle Case, Thibaud, Dos Dane, More Park, Paix Bouche and Portsmouth.     

 Several other relatives and friends too numerous to mention.

The Funeral Service will be held on Saturday May 25th 2024.  Viewing at 1:30pm and Service at 2pm at the VieIlle Case Roman Catholic Church.  

Interment follows at the VieIlle Case Roman Catholic Cemetery.                                   

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