Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 76 year old Maurice Ricard Laramy

Death Announcement of 76 year old Maurice Ricard Laramy

We announce the death of 76 year old Mr. Maurice Richard Laramy of Canefield Flat

He died on: Friday 22nd December

He was the husband of: Flora Laramy

He was the father of: Daughters: Maudlyn Gordon- Camara, Pearl Benjamin, Nichole Laramy- Collins, Nichala -Francis, Michelle Laramy-Burris, Sharla-Louise Tover And Sharlene Carnegie

He will also be remembered by his:

Step- Daugher: Karen Gordon- Stewart

Aunts: Agnes Defoe and Nathalie Defoe

Grand children names too numerous to mention

The body of the late Mr. Maurice Richard Laramy

Of Canfield Flat can be viewed from 1:30pm on Tuesday 2nd January at the Canefield Catholic Church.

The funeral mass will take place at 2:00pm, and will be followed by interment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.

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