It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of 70-year-old George Andrew of No. 13 Great
Marlborough Street, Roseau. He died on May 19th 2022 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.
Left to cherish his memory are:
His daughter Golda, and wife Mayna.
Sibblings: Allan, Mark, James and Magdalene in England; David and Lydia in Canada; Theckla and Pat in Dominica.
In-laws: Minella and Lynn in England; Arthur in Canada; Agathine in Florida
Numerous nieces and nephews in Dominica and overseas including:
Brenda, Lena, Davidson, Donovan, Ian, Joan, Camila and Augustus, Jonette, Simonette, Roslyn, Evelyn, Edwin, Rupert, Agnes, Dean, Michael, Angus, Mark, Lissie, Paul, Edmund, Rob Roy, James, Norman, Michael, Jason, Philip, Ian, Susan, Esther, Evelyn, Sharon.
including Clavia, Roy, The Andrew and the Roach families; the Jno. Baptiste, Adrien and Paul families of Morne Rachette;.
Close friends:
Including Claude, Derrick, Alfreda, Judy, Sonia, Charles, Elona, Glen and Irene Ducreay, colleagues from the former Dominica Stevedoring Company, Mervin and other neighbors of Great Marlborough Street, Management and staff of Pearle’s cuisine and Whitchurch Deli.
The body of the late George Andrew may be viewed from 1:30 pm on Wednesday June 22, 2022 at the Bethesda Methodist church, in Roseau. The funeral service will take place at 2:00 pm, followed by interment at the Roseau Public Cemetery.