Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 31 year old Ed Carltan Jean Jacque better known as Long of Canefield

Death Announcement of 31 year old Ed Carltan Jean Jacque better known as Long of Canefield

We announce the death of 31 year old Ed Carltan Jean Jacque aka Long of Canefield. He died on Monday, 17th April 2023 at the DCFH.

He leaves to mourn:

Mother: Euphraser Phillip

Father: Edgar Jean-Jacques

Adopted Parents: Glen and Olivia Peters

Grandmother: Jeanetta Juliette Abraham

Grandfather: Austelle Phillip

Brothers: Byron, Kelson and Anelson

Adopted brothers: Michael, Clint and Delroy

Adopted sister: Shade

Adopted Grandmother: Jule Abrabram

Aunts: Yolande, Madree, Merina, Bernadette, Muriel, Geraldine, Canita, Kamon, Sanura

Uncles: Clem, Cecil, Fitzroy, Roland, Curtis, Suzie, Julius, Monroe, Kenya, Hodge

Grand Aunties: Cynthia, Clarencia, Agnita, Shirley, Sonia, Murium, Gloria

Grand Uncles: Justin, Christian. Ignatius, Lovelace and Jerome

Cousins: Yhan, Chelsea, Kellyann, O’Brien, Merlyn, Kim, Cecilia, Elsworth, sharlene, McDonald, Gerald, Mandale, Ann, Rayshawn, Destiny, Frances, Royston, Bert, Richard, Randel, Decilia, Nichole A, Merlyn, Francis, Lewis, Don, Etwaroo, Klian, Beverly, Bert, Yolande, Royette, Junella, Cambie, Shaira, Claire, Taran, Tajh, Nira, Ania, Kelsey, Morris, Kern, Jahniah, Kizzy, Linno, Stephenson, Tom, Kentish, Amos, Kermy, Kasia, Tyler, Isaiah, Cody, Meriel, Tasia, Sabin, Bunny, Lincoln,  Nathalie, Brea, Royanna, Neil, Aliza, Orlando, Kazim, Christelle, Armani, Jamiya, Damien, Siraj, Jillian, Nichole C, Kwam, Quamie, Kidella, Tricia, Naomii, Kiwanie, Uroy, Delroy, Micarla, Latasia, Latiana, Kaylen, Nicole B, Natasha, Wani and other names too numerous to mention

Close friends: Bartholomew, Dr. Pharoah Cuffy, Joslyn, Lisa, Chezelle, Melissa, Daphne, Larry, Jerlin, The Joseph Family and management and staff of Cost U Less in St Croix, Thelma Joseph and family, Kayvon, Esaias, Tessa, Peggy, Titus, Nurse James, Jean-Claude, Florestine Azoo and family, Cassy, Anthony, Mobi and family, Booma, Pinwell Crew, Augustus, Tomel’s Equipment and staff, Dr. St. Hiliare, Germaine and the communities of Canefield, Fond Cole and Grand Fond and Hon Mirium Blanchard and Dr. Hon Roosevelt Skerrit.

Close family friends: Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, John Cuffy, Edmond, Augustus Lewis, Phillip family, Abraham families in Grand Fond and Riviere Cyrique.

The body of the late Ed Carltan Jean-Jacque will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:00pm on Thursday, 4th May at the Gospel Mission Church in Canefield. Funeral Service begins at 2:30pm followed by interment at the Roseau Public Cemetery.

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