We announcement the death of Dannicael Makensie Laurent better known as Kaya from Petite Savanne who resided at Point Michel.
Sunrise– 29-12-1992
Sunset – 26 January 2024
Left to mourn:
Father – Michel Laurent
Mother – Maline Laurent
Brother – Shandel Laurent
Sisters – Medetha Laurent & Charlene Charles
Nephew: Mahique Laurent
Grand Mother – Elsina Francs
Companion – Shannan Sanderson
God Mother – Nurse Maria Moise
God Father – Bernard Darroux
Aunties – Claire Thomas, Loretta & Glenda Francis, Beverly Pacquette & Heather Thomas
Uncles- Etienne & Elias Laurent and Corporal Jerry Francis
Grand Aunties – Masline Moses, Mary Titre, Julianna Moses, Ramona Emmanuel & Frances Francis
Grand Uncles – Simon Darroux & Harold Francis
Cousins – Melissa & Vince Morgan, Kalisha Laurent, Brandon & Shonelle Pacquette, Gary, Sharsary, Millicent, Roachelle, Royson, Dwayne and Tony Thomas, Chad, and Letricia Baron. Vernicia Lavienre, Mickael and Hermin Valentine, Roxanne Jones, Rosanna and Terrence Emanuel, Mary Fontaine, Madonise, Keanda, Darius and Philipson Darroux, Allan Titre, Shian, Juleen and Vernelle Francis.
Close Friends – Baba, Kyle Matthew, Vanson Bedminster, Kelly-Ann Robinson, Alliane Abel, George Williams, Jarvis Cornor, Jacob, Marlon Moise, Mattathias Walsh, Gianni Francis, Cletus Samuel, Melvin, Talipha and Neil Darroux, Ollison Vidal and Carlton Stuart, Dinson, Irvin Pendenque, Harvey Rolle, Yohan Gregoire, Glenda Mitchel, and Ezra Patrick, Ramural Darroux and Jervelle Titre.
Other family and friends – Hon. Jullan Defoe, Glenda Hilaire, Frances Antoine, Corporal Daniel Moise, Donna Moise, David Thomas, Richard Baron, Dawn Darroux, Oliva Moise and Dorry Titre.
The entire Darroux, Laurent, Moise & Francis Family of Petite Savanne too numerous to mention.
The funeral details for the late Dannicael Makensie Laurent will be given in a subsequent announcement.