Dominica Editor's Choice

DAIC Advisory: Resignation of Executive Director and Recruitment Notice for New ED

DAIC Advisory: Resignation of Executive Director and Recruitment Notice for New ED

We would like to inform you of the resignation of our valued Executive Director (ED), Lizra Fabien, who has served the Chamber for over 5 years from June 2017. Her resignation is effective Friday, January 13, 2022. 

We greatly appreciate the leadership and contribution of Lizra over the past years. During her tenure, we have seen a transformation in the Chamber; particularly in our increased efficiency to navigate the challenges of Hurricane Maria and COVID-19, our increased focus on and support to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, our enhanced partnerships with local, regional and global organizations and our actions to enhance the resilience of our businesses, among others. 

Please join me in commending Lizra on her past achievements and wishing her success in her journey ahead. The Board of Directors of the Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce wishes her well.  

Due to the departure of our ED, we are now seeking suitable candidates to apply for the role. We wish to share the attached profile below indicating the skills and competencies of suitable candidates. Additionally, please see the following link for expressions of interest for this role

For any additional information on this transition, please contact me at [email protected]

We look forward to continuing to build our relationship in the new year and thank you for your partnership with the Chamber. 

Brenton Hilaire
President, DAIC

Dear Partners, I wish to inform of my resignation from the Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce as the Executive Director, effective January 13th, 2022. 

I thank you for the opportunity to have worked with you while in this position for the past five and a half years. I have learned significantly during my time with the Chamber and have enjoyed collaborating with the Board, Membership, Secretariat, Partners and others through my role. I will take a lot of what I have learned with me in my career and will look back at my time here as a valuable period of my professional life. Thank you for all of your guidance and support during my employment.

Moreover, I wish the DAIC success in its future endeavors and look forward to collaborating with the Chamber in my upcoming and other capacities. 

Should you wish to connect beyond on a personal level, I may be contacted at [email protected].
Yours in development, 
Lizra Fabien

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