Dominica Editor's Choice

Business Christmas Lighting Competition Hosted to Bring Christmas Cheer Across Dominica

Business Christmas Lighting Competition Hosted to Bring Christmas Cheer Across Dominica

The Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC) has partnered with Dominica Electricity Corporation on a Business Christmas Lighting Competition to be held this Christmas season to bring about joy and cheer to the general public. In light of the severe challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, this initiative seeks to encourage the business community to exercise their corporate responsibility to spread Christmas cheer by lighting up their storefronts.

Businesses will be judged based on the most elaborate and innovative storefront lighting designs. The Dominica Electricity Corporation will provide electricity concessions valued at $1000, $750, and $500 for first, second, and third places winners, respectively.

To participate in this initiative, businesses must register by submitting a photo of the lighting of their storefront by 4:00 PM on December 16th. Subsequently, a panel of judges will evaluate the designs and announce the winner on December 23rd.

Additionally, all photo entries will be placed on DAIC’s Facebook page from December 16th to 23rd. The photo with the most likes up to 9:00 AM on December 23rd will win a special prize.

The partners encourage a spirit of togetherness and ownership in enhancing the atmosphere during this Christmas season. For more information or to submit business entries, contact the DAIC at [email protected] or 1(767)449-1962

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