Madame Speaker, Cabinet Colleagues, Members of this Honourable House, Distinguished Guests, Fellow Dominicans, Residents and Friends.
I come to this Honourable House today to present my fourteenth Budget as your Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and to boldly proclaim “Glory! Glory to the Most High!”
I thank God for His grace and mercy, for showering His blessings on our country and for showing the way to new and better days for all of us.
Less than two years ago we were a nation and a people fearful for our future, written off by many as without a hope or a chance, living amongst the rubble of broken homes and shattered dreams. Our businesses and lives were bruised and battered. We had fallen, thrown to the ground by one of the most powerful weather systems the world had ever seen. But God has picked us up.
Today I say “Glory” for broken spirits reborn, for a recovering Dominica, for a renewed Dominica, for a resurgent Dominica.
Today, let us as a Parliament, a Nation, and a people say, “Glory” because with nothing more than our faith and determination, the support of good friends, we have moved from the loss of 96% of GDP caused by tropical storm Erika and 226% of GDP caused by hurricane Maria, to an economy that is growing at nine percent (9%) this year.
This is a significant and indeed miraculous rebound, given the enormity of the destruction that we had first to face, and then to overcome. This is why Madame Speaker, on Sunday 11th August, we will re-dedicate this Nation to the Lord, who has spared us from utter destruction. Together as a Nation, we will give Him the glory and praise.
He has touched the hearts of friends and partners throughout the world, and they in turn have assisted in lifting us out of the most tragic and destructive episodes of our history, as an independent country.
I also thank you, the people of Dominica, at home and in the diaspora, for your steadfast and persistent prayers, your unflagging words of encouragement and support for the Cabinet, my family and I. The confidence you continue to demonstrate in this Government, has strengthened our determination and deepened our commitment to serve you with every ounce of energy the Lord has given us.
Madame Speaker, when the Dominica Labour Party took on the challenge of leadership nineteen years ago, we inherited a country that was highly indebted and virtually bankrupt. Public Officers were not being paid on time. Their social security payments were being deducted by Government and not being paid the Dominica Social Security.
The United Workers Party (UWP) Government had mismanaged the country and the economy. The United Workers Party had contracted expensive loans, some at interest rates of fourteen percent (14%). These loans were so outrageous and unreasonable: they represented such poor judgment and leadership decisions that you the taxpayers are still paying for today.