It was brought to our attention that a statement which was made by a former staff of our recently concluded event in Dominica has been making its rounds on social media and we would like to state that these statements are inaccurate and false and will be corrected with the facts.
Bes Lyfe Xperience prides itself in creating the best working environment and partying environment for both its staff and patrons. From the inception our goals were to bring a different event experience to the Dominican market this was a need that we identified and the idea was welcomed and embraced by many Dominicans who supported our events and we are truly grateful.
It is customary that after our events in Dominica our team remain on Island until every single service provider and staff is fully paid. This has been the case since our first event Pinknic Dominica and it was NO different for Tropikini.
Here are the facts: Tropikini was concluded on June 25th 2023, on Monday, June 26th the venue clean up efforts began to ensure that all infrastructures and items were removed from the beach, by end of day Monday the venue was cleared and cleaned. On Tuesday 27th June the payment process began for all service providers and staff, this process continued through the week and by Saturday 1st July all service providers and staff were fully paid a mere one week after event.
ALL staff were notified as to when their payments were available for collection and where they should collect payments from. Some might have been notified before others, but nevertheless payments were ongoing. It was indeed a hectic week trying to get all the payments finalised as we spent hours and days driving around meeting people where they were based their regular work schedules as well as their availability. To date, Bes Lyfe Xperience has NO outstand ing payments for our recently concluded event Tropikini. Let us reiterate, ALL payments were completed by Saturday, July 1st 2023, 6 days after event.
Our team which consist of local and regional members did an exceptional job in successfully executing these last two events in Dominica and we have no doubts that lasting memories were created. These events have also created good economical activities to the local communities, retail stores, make up artists, hairstylists, rentals companies, sound companies, bartenders and many other service providers.
We have endured many obstacles and challenges during planning process of these events many have tried to derailed us, but we prevailed and will continue to bring the Bes Lyfe Xperience to the Dominican Market.
To this end, Bes Lyfe Xperience would like to thank the Dominican public for their overwhelming support in 2023 and look forward to seeing you again in 2024 for the second edition of Pinknic Dominica and Tropikini Dominica.
Nuff Love! Nuff Respect!