Dominica Editor's Choice

Bar Incident Results In Fatality

Bar Incident Results In Fatality

The Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force (CDPF) is conducting investigations into a stabbing incident which took place in the vicinity of a bar at Coulibistrie along the E.O Leblanc highway on Sunday 11 April, about 3:20 AM.

According to Police PRO John Carbon, thirty-one (31) year old Craig Moreau of Fond Cole sustained multiple stab wounds to his torso and right side of his body during an altercation with a young man from Coulibistrie.

Moreau was transported to the St.Joseph health center where he was treated and then transported to the national hospital. Upon arrival, he was examined by a medical doctor where he was pronounced dead.

One man is assisting the police with the investigations. An inquest will be conducted.

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Emo News Editors

1 Comment

    Our fish boy wi. Ahhhhh

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