Dominica Editor's Choice

ANNOUNCEMENT: Criteria for Qualification of Engines and Boats

ANNOUNCEMENT: Criteria for Qualification of Engines and Boats

Ministry of Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security


Criteria for Qualification of Engines and Boats


The Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project, the World Bank and Government of Dominica funded project, of the Ministry of Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security, would like to inform fisherfolks of the criteria for qualifying for an engine or boat under the project.

To be eligible for an engine or boat, the fisher:

  1. Must provide evidence of having been affected by Hurricane Maria 2017
  2. Be a registered fisher with the Fisheries Division
  3. Boat or Engine should have been registered with the Fisheries Division before Hurricane Maria in 2017
  4. Be listed as an engine owner or a boat owner with at least a 15 ft boat before Hurricane Maria.
  5. Shall contribute at least 50 % in kind of the fishing engine or boat.


Please note that:

  • Only fisherfolks who meet these criteria will be qualified for an engine or boat.
  • Also, applications for fisheries have been closed since December 2019. The project is no longer accepting applications.



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