Dear Brothers:
We are grateful to Almighty God that the restrictions imposed on religious gatherings due to the Covid19 pandemic have been removed, which means that the Faithful can gather and participate fully at all religious celebrations, especially the Sunday Eucharist.
The Covid-19 restrictions forced us to find other ways of reaching out to our Faithful. Consequently, we have offered the Celebrations virtually, via the various media platforms. This has served its purpose.Now we need to use whatever means possible to encourage our parishioners to return to “in person” participation at all our Religious celebrations.
It is with this in mind, that I ask that the providing of all virtual masses be discontinued. It is clear that some have become very comfortable “attending” mass via social media at home. We need to get them back in the pews. As we have done in the past, special events will continue to be broadcast from the Cathedral and /or the parishes as they are deemed necessary.
However, the broadcast of the regular Sunday masses should be discontinued. It is our moral responsibility to encourage “in person” attendance especially at Sunday Eucharist where the Faithful are invited to “full, active and conscious participation”, where they experience true fellowship, and where the true meaning of the Eucharist is expressed and experienced.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation