Assistant Commissioner of Police, Davidson Valerie, has announced that the key role of the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force at the World Creole Music Festival will be to maintain law and order through the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property. This will be executed via a venue operations center manned by senior officials of various institutions, as well as through a command center located on the ground floor of the Clem John and Kaleb Laurent stands. Assistance will also be provided by teams of police and volunteers throughout three zones at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium.
To enable the free flow of traffic, there will be no parking allowed from 6:00PM to 6:00AM on Valley Road between Boyd’s Avenue and Bath Road; Link Road between Bath Estate bridge and the Link Road bridge north of the Windsor Park Sports Stadium; and Bath Road between Kings Hill / Morne Bruce Road to the Botanical Gardens’ south-western gate.
There will be no entry into Bath Road from its junction with Cork Street; Independence Street at the intersection of Hillsborough Street; Kennedy Avenue at the intersection of Upper Lane; River Street at the intersection of Bath Road; and the Link Road at the back of the stadium at the intersection of Valley Road. Access will only be granted to motor vehicle owners who reside within the restricted areas on Kennedy Avenue, Independence Street, Hillsborough Street, and Bath Road.
There will be no vending allowed on Bath Road between Cork Street and River Street; Kennedy Avenue between bath Road and Independence Street; Hillsborough Street between Bath Road and Independence Street; and Stadium Link Road from River Street to Valley Road.
Prohibited items include firearms, ammunition, illegal drugs, knives, cutlasses, scissors, ice picks, cigarette lighters, glass bottles and other items deemed offensive weapons. Double parking will not be permitted anywhere in the city. The public is warned against drinking and driving. Please cooperate fully with the police and follow traffic directional signs.
Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) reminds the public that the only entrances to be utilized are the three general entrances on Bath Road, and the VIP entrance on the Link Road for VVIP and PVIP ticket holders. Tickets should only be purchased through the World Creole Music Festival vendors and the box office located at the corner of Independence Street and Kennedy Avenue. Tickets are non-refundable. DDA thanks the public for authorizing the use of their images or likenesses for promotional uses through the purchase of their tickets.
Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) extends special gratitude to this year’s World Creole Music Festival sponsors which include presenting sponsor, the Government of Dominica; headline sponsor, Digicel; gold sponsor, Tropical Shipping; silver sponsor, Coulibri Ridge; bronze sponsors, RCI Guadeloupe, RCI Martinique, and premier banking partner – National Bank of Dominica; corporate sponsors, Tranquility Beach, Belfast Estate–Kubuli, Josephine Gabriel & Co. Ltd., DBS Radio, The Wave, Spektak TV/Trace, L’Express des Iles, and PDV Caribe Dominica Ltd.; and business sponsors, Wandy’s & The Nook, Pirates Ltd., Carib, ABS Antigua, Hott 93/GEM Radio, Philipsburg Broadcasting, RCP Media, CBN, and Q95 (WICE FM). Special mention is made of partners CNC3, Trinidad Express, The Sun, The Chronicle, Kairi FM, DOWASCO, DOMLEC, and Multi-Solutions Inc.
For more information on Dominica’s World Creole Music Festival, contact the Dominica Festivals Committee at (767) 448-4833/255-8221, visit the official website www.DominicaFestivals.com, or follow Dominica Fests on Instagram and Facebook.