Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 72 year old Augustus Lestrade Lamothe of clifton who resided in Chance Portsmouth

Death Announcement of 72 year old Augustus Lestrade Lamothe of clifton who resided in Chance Portsmouth

We announce the death of Augustus Lestrade Lamothe age 72 of Clifton, who resided in Chance; Portsmouth

He died on August 1st 2023 at the D.C.F.H.

He leaves to mourn 6 siblings: Olive Joseph, Claron, Lockart and Collins in Dominica, Christina and Leslie Lamothe in England.


27 nieces and nephews including: Ned Wade of Portsmouth, Olivette, Olivia, Jerry, John and Jim Joseph in the USA.

1 brother in law, three sisters in law

1 uncle

3 Aunts

Grand nieces and nephews too numerous to mention

Other families and friends including Petroline Lamothe, Alex Wade, Margaret and Micheal Royer, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, Parl-rep Roland Royer, and Reginald Austrie .

The body of the late Augutus Lestrade Lamothe will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral for viewing at 1: 30 pm on Thursday 17th August 2023 at the Mount Wallis Methodist Church in Portsmouth. The funeral service begins at 2: 00 pm followed by interment at the Methodist Cemetery.

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