Dominica Death Announcement

Updated Death Announcement of 83 year old Mr. Emanuel Stanley better known as Pedro/Brina of Wesley who resided  in Marigot

Updated Death Announcement of 83 year old Mr. Emanuel Stanley better known as Pedro/Brina of Wesley who resided  in Marigot

We announce the death of Mr. Emanuel Stanley better known as Pedro/Brina age 83 yrs of Wesley who resided in Marigot, who passed away on the 8th of July 2023 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.

Left to mourn

Ten children Including: Consuella, Remie, Meredith, Johnny, Eddie, Shenelle, Merrissa, Leann

One Deceased Daughter: Noelise

Eighteen grandchildren including: Janell, Kimerson, Akisha, Kyle, Kenoly, Eddie Jr., Michael, Ethan, Elena, Gabriella, Shadae, Abira, Cairo

Great grand children: Shayniah, Shayvani, Kimaya, Elijah, Allen

Brothers: Austrie, Kendricks, Rufus and Neville in England

Sisters: Thamar, Sarah, Joyce, Syl and Eveline in England

Nieces: Jean, Hernicia, Evelyn, Nathalie

Nephews: Davidson, Hamlet, Fred, Lain, Sweety

Son-in-law: Kim

Daughter-in-law: Sharlene

Sister in Law: Veronica

Brothers in Law: Pastor Allinton, Wilson, Abenck

Close Family and Friends: Coralie and family, The Richards family, Flora and family, Ida, Nellie, Lorna and family, Vern, Ma Megel, Heather, Hardy, Eghette, Christopher, Cyrus, Manman, Isbert, Jessie, The Laville family, Webster, Caleb

Caretakers: Management and staff at healing hands nursing home and Carla

The Community of Wesley, Marigot, and Woodfordhill.

Other family and friends too numerous to mention.

Funeral details:

Venue: Marigot Methodist Church

Date: Saturday 22nd July, 2023

Viewing: 2:00pm

Funeral Mass: 2:30pm

Internment: Marigot Methodist Cemetery

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