Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 81 year old Janet Augustine better known as “Adoodoo”, “Aunty doodoo”, “Ma Aubin” of Ambas Vieille Case

Death Announcement of 81 year old Janet Augustine better known as “Adoodoo”, “Aunty doodoo”, “Ma Aubin”  of Ambas Vieille Case

It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Janet Augustine, 81 years of Ambas, Vieille Case, better known as “Adoodoo”, “Aunty doodoo”, “Ma Aubin”. She died on Tuesday 9th August 2022 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.

She left to mourn:

3 Daughters: Polly Augustine in France, Elma Hamlet in the USA and Virginia Augustine in Antigua.

2 Sons: Mathew Augustine and Vivian Augustine, a Sergeant of the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force.

16 Grand-Children: Orion, Vanessa, Kiana in the USA, Shawn in Canada, Fabrice and Kleberte in France, Pernel, Kiarra and Leana in Antigua, Sherwin, Chris, Kervin, Shakima, Kendrian, Kenisha and Lyndel in Dominica.

13 Great Grand-Children

2 Sisters: Bernadine Joseph and Agustina Marcellin.

Brother: Edward Joseph

Numerous Nieces: Including Rosemarie, Sonia, Jane, Juliette, Claire and Janet.

Numerous Nephews:  including Rommie in the USA, Wawal, Hillius, Cletus, Raphael in Dominica.

Grand Nieces and Nephews: too numerous to mention including Junior Joseph.

Daughter-in-law: Kendra Augustine

2 Grand Son-in-law: Jerrell Taylor in the USA and Hamid Fountaine in Dominica.

Grand daughter-in-law: Lucile Jean-Baptiste

Sister-in-law: Joan Joseph

Several God-Children: including Octacia in St Martin.

Special Neighbours and Relatives: Anselm, Marina and Nurse Melisa Honore, Olivet, Alex, Ma Claire, Candia Etienne and John Riviere.

Close Friends including: Mrs Epheline Ishmael in Barbados, Jennifer James in Canada, Claudette, Masterlin, Mr Maurice, Franco, Pogy, Dwight, Bebe, Seraphine, Brenda, Alida, Ms Lockhart, Mrs Joan Prevost, Gaetan, Mrs Vernice Bellony, Yolland Jno Jules, Nurse Stella, Father Herman Sharplis, Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit.

Other Relatives and Friends: The Augustine, Joseph, Massicot and Leblanc families, the Vieille Case Social League, the Vieille Case Catholic church community and the neighbouring communities of Penville and Thibaud.

Funeral Details:  

Date: Friday 19th August 2022

Venue: Vieille Case Catholic Church

Viewing: 2:00pm

Service: 2:30pm

Interment: Vieille Case Public Cemetery.

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