Dominica Editor's Choice

Week of Activities For World Children’s Day kicks Off; Welfare Division Encourages Parents To Believe

Week of Activities For World Children’s Day kicks Off; Welfare Division Encourages Parents To Believe

The Social Welfare Division in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Development and Empowerment, Youth at Risk, Gender Affairs, Seniors Security and Dominicans with Disabilities joins the rest of the World in celebrating children this week.

The week of activities got on the way yesterday with a church service at the Canefield Gospel Mission Church which was attended by the Honourable Adis King and her husband, along with employees of the Social Welfare Division.

Coordinator of the Child Abuse Prevention Unit, Mrs. Nichole Toussaint Jno. Baptiste encouraged parents to listen to and believe their child or children when they are are disclosing information about abuse. “Believe the child first, and let the police and courts prove whether the child is lying or not. Believe the child first and get the truth after, if you know what I’m saying”.

She reminded listeners that we should be our brothers keeper when we see or have a suspicion about any case of abuse. We should not have a passive attitude and turn a blind eye because it is not our child.

Another highlight of the week of activities is a panel discussion on Wednesday which is opened to the public as well as numerous competitions include song, poetry and art. A special feature is the bonding activity which is bbn intended to show parents spending quality time with their child or children.

All are invited to participate in the week of activities of the Social Welfare Division. This year’s theme is ‘Reimagine the Future’

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