Dominica Editor's Choice

Dominican Students Excel At USC

Dominican Students Excel At USC

The virtual graduation ceremony of the University of the Southern Caribbean(USC) in Trinidad featured a number of Dominicans who graduated with various honors.

1. Ms. Nyra S. N. George, Summa Cum Laude
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Minor- Human Resource Management


Top Accounting Student, Top Student in the School of Business & Entrepreneurship & Overall Top Student
GPA: 3.97 out of 4.00Ms. Nyra S.N.

George hails from the village of Riviere Cyrique located on the South East of the island. At a virtual conferral ceremony held by the University of the Southern Caribbean (Trinidad) on Friday October 09th, at 10:00 am, where Dr. Hillary Bowman conferred degrees to five hundred and eighty-four students, Ms. George emerged as the top student with the highest Grade Point Average of 3.97 out of 4.00. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting with a minor in Human Resource Management, with first class honors Summa Cum Laude. She also captured the titles of Top Accounting Student, Top Student in the School of Business & Entrepreneurship and the Overall Top Student with the highest GPA.
During her matriculation at the University, she served as the Director of Finance of the Associated Student Body for two consecutive years, and the treasurer and chaplain of the Dominica Club on campus among other things. She also participated in athletics and other activities held on campus.

She says, ” I am grateful to my parents, Joseph and Verilia George and my entire family and friends for their support, prayers and sacrifices. Without them this could not have been possible.

“Nyra’s favorite quote is, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.

She continues, “During my time at USC I was reminded that as long as I kept my focus on God I could accomplish anything I put my mind too”.

Nyra dedicates her success and degree to God, quoting the words of Philippians 1:6, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

For Nyra, success comes through prayer, hard work and discipline as well as setting priorities and managing one’s time well. Nyra believes that one can achieve whatever he puts his mind to as long as he believes in himself and works towards achieving his goal.

“My journey was not an easy one, but as long as I kept sight of my goal, mediocrity was never an option. I am quite elated to reap the fruits of my harvest. I am excited to see what God has in store for the rest of my future,” she said.

2. Ms. Bernisha Douglas
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
3.85 Magna Cum Laude

Bernisha Douglas, from Portsmouth can be described as a humble, respectful and ambitious young woman.

She says. “I am honored to be a graduate of the University of the Southern Caribbean where I pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. After maintaining my position on the honor roll for four consecutive semesters, I reaped my harvest with a cumulative GPA of 3.85 which ended my academic journey with second class honors (Magna Cum Laude)”.

Bernisha says that although her experience was not all smooth sailing, she is able to finally say, ‘I came, I saw, I conquered.’

She continues, “The fears, the sleepless nights, the fight against giving up all paid off. Today, I am super grateful to God for granting me the opportunity to explore higher learning and the strength to have endured to the end”.

Bernisha dedicates her degree to her parents who believed in her even when she did not believe in herself. She is thankful for her family and friends who supported her emotionally, and her sponsor who ensured that she had one less reason to fold.

“I live on the principles of respect, humility and gratitude and I always motivate myself with the words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night”.”

Bernisha’s encouragement to those who may be experiencing difficulties is, “No matter how tough life may get and how impossible dreams may seem, never stop trying because you can do all things through Christ who gives you the strength (Philippians 4:13)”.

3. Ms. Alica Esther Mills
BS Biology with a minor in Chemistry

“In the year 2016, I left my small village of Layou and embarked on a journey to Trinidad to pursue a BS in Biology degree with a minor in Chemistry at the University of the Southern Caribbean. I was apprehensive but determined, along with the support of my immediate family I was ready to conquer all. Most importantly I was reassured by God’s word that I would be able to do all things through Him”, she says.

“Today, I stand as a proud graduate with honors (Cum Laude). My four years at USC were filled with challenges, some days having more losses than wins, but I praise God for these experiences that have shaped me. I am so thankful that despite everything that is going on during this pandemic, I am still able to celebrate with my colleagues in our successes. This chapter has ended and a new one begins; one in which I would be able to give back to my community and Dominica on a whole”.

4. Ms. Deanna Fontaine from Wesley
BSc Behavioural Science with a Minor in Health
3.89, Magna Cum Laude

“I recently obtained my BSc in Behavioural Sciences with a minor in Health. My story is one of faith and determination. I believed that God would work things out in my favor and I was determined to cross that finish line, with honors,” Deanna explained.

“This became a reality as I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.89. There were many obstacles along the journey, but through it all, God and I overcame.”

Deanna thanks God, her immediate family, especially her mother, and other family and friends who have supported her in the journey. She advises those who are indecisive about pursuing a course of study to take a leap of faith and reach for your goal”.

Deanna said that she took that leap and almost four years later, she has her Bachelor’s Degree.

Emonews congratulates the  Dominicans students on their success.

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