Welcome to the Alternative Peoples’ Party (APP), a new political experience for a more progressive Dominica.
A centre-right political movement built on firm democratic principles. We are ready to work for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every Dominican: rolling up our sleeves and empowering grassroots voters.
Predominantly, our focus is on women and youth in politics, nevertheless, here at APP we embrace everyone, with no prejudice, and across party lines.
If you are a citizen of the Commonwealth of Dominica, rest assured that there is a place for you in the APP family. We ask you to explore our social media platforms, peruse our plans and tell us what you think, as we are always ready and willing to engage in a meaningful discussion.
More importantly, we are hopeful that you will eventually help to fuel the movement as a supporter, volunteer or even a full-fledged member.
As a party who believes in democracy, we expect you to oppose those objectives which you believe should be opposed. Let us agree or disagree with the oneness of purpose, as we can all agree that it is time to transform the electoral political traditions of the island for the better.
This is a new era of representation on lovely Dominica and we are ready to be your bridge to the next Dominican government. The journey begins now; and we urge you to be part of this movement for genuine and all-inclusive people’s progress with the Alternative Peoples’ Party (APP), a party by all and for all.
We have launched a progressive movement on the strength of the peoples’ desire for a new flavour and approach in Dominica’s political and electoral affairs.
The inhabitants of our blessed land have been demanding, for far too long now, a more progressive and inclusive attitude when it comes to public political discussion, and this thirst is quenched with a fresh burst of energies through the all-inclusive approach to leadership that the Alternative Peoples’ Party (APP) provides.
Our mission is clears; we intend to marshal forces together into a strong coalition which will work together for the good of the entire Dominican community – at home and abroad. Though the youth and women are expected to feature highly in our plans, every Dominican has a role to play. Our mission is to help build a more solid nation, because nation-building should always take precedence over partisanship.
We aim to be that bridge which connects the people to their government, and APP pledges to always be that alternative force for good, for growth, and for the preservation of the people’s promise. Moreover, we intend to hold on to our fundamental principles, both in and out of government, as the party which is always going to be positively different.
With that stated, our current activities will be restricted to assisting in the fight against COVID – 19. Let me, on behalf of the entire interim team, which includes Sharon Vidal, Kendra Steven, Sherlyn Saboraoch and the other brothers and sisters who have been working diligently over the past five months on the establishment of this coalition, thank the government of Dominica, healthcare officials and other first respondents for coordinating Dominica’s COVID – 19 response.
We applaud the people of Dominica for coming together, as responsibly as we did, to play our part in the fight against the coronavirus. We indeed showed that we are ‘People Together, Working for One and Other’ – the motto of our movement.
Ultimately, our movement will be launched as a full-fledged political party with a Constitution, membership, a people-friendly leadership structure and leaders who will seek to represent all of our people in the government of Dominica, all of the time.
APP’s short-term goal is to encourage membership. We will soon present papers of registration with, and affiliation to the Electoral Commission of Dominica, and our administrative office will be opened within boundaries of the town of Portsmouth as soon as we get over the Coronavirus hurdles.
The public will meet our first executive body, and party leaders, at the first Annual Convention, to be held in Glanvillia, Dominica, carded for Sunday, May 16, 2021 from 2 pm – if it is the will of our creator.
We encourage you to take a look at our plans, explore our website, follow our various social media accounts, and together, let us build on APP’s vision of being Steadfast. Engaging. Fair.
Thanks again and W E L C O M E to a new era of Dominica politics.
Tahira Blanchard
Interim President – Alternative Peoples Party (APP)
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.app.com