The Ministry of the Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food security wishes to advise farmers, hucksters and clients of the Ministry of the following arrangements which have been put in place to continue to serve you in light of the national situation and the presence of COVID 19.
- banana and plantain farmers and contractual sprayers are informed that distribution of materials at the DAPEX building have been suspended until further notice.
- Spraying for the control of black sigatoka will continue as planned and so farmers are asked to continue to be diligent with field sanitation and continue to deleaf, and desucker
- Anyone wishing to contact any department or any officer within the Ministry or at farmer service center is asked to do so via telephone and email only and not visit the offices. If you must do so you will be expected to follow the Ministry of Health guidelines such as cleaning of your hands and keeping at a reasonable distance from the staff
- The Plant Protection Unit will continue to accept requests for permits via email only. Approved permits will be issued on MONDAYS only. For more information, please contact the office at 266-3817
- For any other information or clarification please call 266-3271 or 266-3807. The Ministry is encouraging you to continue to be safe during this time and expects your usual cooperation within this time.