
Credit Unions Family Fun Day brings families from across Dominica together to strengthen Cooperative Principles

Credit Unions Family Fun Day brings families from across Dominica together to strengthen Cooperative Principles

One of Credit Unions most reliable service providers, “Corp-EFF” is once again coordinating Credit Unions largest outreach efforts on their annual calendar.

The Family Fun Day event, continues to be the only event of its kind where Credit Union members can interface with credit union leaders from across the island to learn about the movement, and get introduced to new products and services, in a fun, safe and family-oriented environment.

“The participation of my Credit Union in the Family Fun Day event, only reaffirms our commitment to our membership. The event has been used generally, as a catalyst to disseminate information to members. We support the effort, and share in the excitement and pride associated with the success of the event over the years,” said Erickson Robinson, General Manager of the West Coast Cooperative Credit Union Ltd.

The continuation of the event, now in its sixth year, is now an expectation of credit union members, and marks a milestone of cooperation among cooperatives on the island. The event this year is being held at the scenic Botanic Gardens in Roseau from 12:00 Noon to 9:00 pm, on Sunday, October 6, 2019, under the theme: “Play, Learn & Grow Together”.

Members attending the event are guaranteed an excellent family fun experience, where individuals can participate in games to win prizes while registering points for their credit union. Incentives are in place for members who wear their Credit Union colours at the event.

National Cooperative Credit Union colour is BLUE, West Coast, ORANGE and Central, YELLOW.

Ultimately, one credit union will emerge as the overall winner and would have earned the bragging rights as “Best in Sports”.

The event is Free and transportation is being provided to members of participating Credit Unions to and from the event location.

As credit unions work on their individual growth strategies, collectively, the credit union movement utilizes mediums such as the family fun day event, to remain connected with their membership.

To learn moreabout the Family Fun Day event and view images from past events, visit

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