
DLP Candidate Urges PM To Call the Election

DLP Candidate Urges PM To Call the Election

The Dominica Labour Party officially launched its candidate for the Grandbay Constituency last evening.

Edward Registe is a former agricultural extension officer, news anchors at DBS Radio and more recently Public Relations Officer at DOWASCO and has held various leadership positions in various groups. He also serves as Chairman of the Grandbay Village Council and on the board of directors of the Credit Union.

Registe said that Labour has been good to Dominica and said to look at the last two years after Hurricane Maria. He said Grandbay benefitted from its fair share of relief after the Hurricane. Registe said that there must be aspirations toward a new era of progress and prosperity. He listed some of the projects undertaken in the community under the DLP administration such as the refurbishing of the community center under the Basic Needs Trust Fund, repairs to the youth center, construction of roads and drains and development of housing apartments.

Registe encouraged those who will benefit from the housing repair program to be thankful to the Government and those who will not get as yet ought to be confident that their turn will come. He looks forward to being the Minister of Grandbay affairs- to speak for and work on the behalf of his constituents. He is calling on all ‘Grandbarians’ to join hands to build ‘South City’.

His plans include a new fish landing facility at Stowe to also serve as a port of entry. Also, the Soufriere/ Tete Morne Link road is another project he plans to undertake in order to link the communities and enable the selling of produce to hotels in Soufriere and employment at these hotels for the persons from Grandbay. He says that climate changed has caused many farmers to abandon farming, hence he proposes an irrigation system to encourage farmers to return to farming.

Registe replaces Mrs. Justina Riviere as the DLP candidate. He says that the DLP will have a clean sweep at the next general elections.

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