The President’s Charities Foundation Incorporation has annually hosted a Christmas party for children of primary school age. This year, the foundation decided to expand its children’s outreach program by hosting a week long Summer Fun Days Program for students between the ages of 5 to 13. The program was held at the Roseau Primary School from July 08 to 12, 2019. The participants included students from the Roseau Primary School and the Chances Home in Jimmit.
Each fun day focused on a different theme from Cultural Infusion to Fun on the Greens and Tourist for a Day. Sessions were facilitated by Tasha Peltier, First Lady Clara Savarin and the Dominica Police Force and included activities such as Dining Etiquette, T-Shirt Tye Dye and pep talk on respect for law. Additionally, the students were treated to a field trip to Digicel Headquarters. Country Manager, Ms. Nikima Royer-Jno-Baptiste encouraged the students to begin building apps for the future since this is the trend that the world is moving towards.
Exploring the Fire Truck at the Dominica Fire and Ambulance Station on Bath Road created great excitement among the young students of the program. The Sports Division along with SAGICOR Insurance, premier sponsor of the Summer Fun Days Program, facilitated a sports day where the staff and students played lime and spoon and other fun and interactive games.
The highlight of the Summer Fun Days program was a visit from His Excellency Charles Savarin where the students got the opportunity to interact with His Excellency by sharing what they learned.
Following a trip to the Cabrits National Park, the Summer Fun Days Program came to an end with a prize giving closing ceremony on July 12, 2019.
The Summer Fun Days Program sought to cater to the educational and social needs of the students and in this regard, the President’s Charities Foundation Incorporation remains extremely grateful to H.H. V. Whitchurch and Company Ltd, Sagicor Insurance, Pickaat Innovations Ltd, Network Trading Inc., Brighter Days, Guiyave Restaurant/Patisserie and Catering Services, Harris Paints,Dominica Ltd., CSPi, Division of Tourism and Hospitality Studies at the Dominica State College, Rotaract Club of Dominica, Mr. Oliver St. John, Dr. Amanda Savarin, Ms. Melissa Augustine, Ms. Rhona Riley, Mr. Francis Ashby, Dominica Police Force, Dominica Fire and Ambulance Services, Emilio Castro and the parents who consented and entrusted their children to our care; without whom, the program would not have been the success that it was.
The President’s Charities Foundation Incorporated is a registered non-profit organization founded by His Excellency the late Dr. Nicholas J.O. Liverpool, former President of the Commonwealth of Dominica, with the prime purpose to raise funds for distribution among charitable organizations. The foundation was formally incorporated in July 2006.