The “J.D.M BOYZ 767 Car Club” was established at the Roseau Bayfront in December 2017 with three (3) friends who later became brothers. They shared the same love and passion for Japanese vehicles and wanted to share that passion with individuals with the same interest.
Motto: A family with unity & no grudges, where every car is accepted.
One of the missions of the group other than to enjoy the local car scene is to be contributing members of the local community through charity and goodwill. Because of that, the group decided to come together and collect supplies from each member (purchased from their own pockets) to be donated to a local organization who we thought would benefit from such donation. It was decided that the donation would go to Grotto Home in Belvue Rawle.
Over a few weeks members brought in their donations and on Sunday, May 19th the group gathered and took a drive up to Grotto Home to make the donation. We socialized with the staff and residents of the home listening to their individual stories which all touched our hearts. The donations were well received and appreciated by the residents and staff. JDM Boyz was able to donate bags of rice, tin stuff, dry goods, hygiene products, etc. The group was thankful that they were able to bless others who may be less fortunate then they are and plan on doing many more donations in the future.
The group welcomes any organization whether it involves the youth or elderly who would like us to reach out to them. Though we may not always be able to donate we are willing to assist in different ways once we can.