Observed on March 8 annually, this year like all other years, the Girl Guides Association of Dominica (GGAD) joins the rest of the world in celebrating International Women’s Day since our representation is mainly girls and young ladies. This remarkable celebration started all way back from the 1900s and is considered an important day all around the world by many organizations and associations. We at the GGAD are no exception! Additionally, there is also an interesting thing to look on this day. There are lots of colors which effectively signify this day. However, the globally purple color is used to symbolize women and we encourage each of our members to wear something purple today.
International Women’s Day is utilized to bring attention to the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Whereas we may not fall under all the categories which are mentioned, we have definitely had great achievements in the others especially the social aspect which offers some degree of balance.
Hence, this year’s theme “Balance for Better”, is quite fitting. One of our mandates as an association is to ensure that there is no discrimination against girls and young women and the 2019 initiative is aimed at gender equality, a greater awareness of discrimination and a celebration of our achievements. One of our most notable achievements is reaching the milestone age of 90 and standing solid as a rock working relentlessly without any form of payment. Throughout this year 2019, we have started to and will continue to host a number of events to celebrate this major achievement. Ensure that you are aware of what we as an association are doing by tuning in to our various programmes on the different media sources especially Guides in Motion every Sunday on DBS from 1:30 – 2:00. We acknowledge and salute the many volunteers who have given their love, time and support wholesomely. Without you, we could not have made it to 90. You have assisted in bridging that gap to ensure that our girls and young women are equal with the upstanding young men in the society.
We take this time to reflect on the progress of our women and sound a solid call for ways to address the unfinished business in working toward equality. By this, we mean that we welcome all aboard including men to offer your services to the association. There is a constant call for leaders because we are aware that there are capable persons who would like to give back to society and this is your chance to make a difference.
According to the World Wide Web, balance is referred to as a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions hence standing firmly. We aim to remain balanced in society as we forge ahead to become centenarians. Many people are led to believe that it’s impossible to find a balance because there just isn’t enough time in the day or energy in the body. It simply feels impossible to balance all that life throws at us on any given day or week. Our advice to you is that you cannot do it all.
We encourage you today, as you end this week in the hope of resuming another busy week full of to-do’s, commitments, and high hopes, take a moment to list out what is most important to you in your life. Ensure that the list is SMART and short and attempt to spend your time and energy doing things that fall within those categories.
Balance will not, however, look the same for everyone. Finding your unique life balance will simplify your life in a way that brings freedom and peace of mind. Whatever you can accomplish, do it well. This is another call to join the association.
Long live the Girl Guides Association of Dominica, Happy International Women’s Day 2019 to all Dominicans.