Dominica Editor's Choice Press release



The Dominica Co-operative Societies League Ltd, Apex Body for Credit Unions and Producers’ Co-operatives in Dominica is excited to announce that preparations are well underway for the 17th OECS Credit Union Summit from September 24-29, 2024. The Summit will be held at the St. Alphonsus Parish Hall in Goodwill under the theme “Credit Unions: Empowered to Thrive in an Evolving Landscape.” 

This annual event will bring together close to 300 cooperators from across the OECS for five days of intensive conference sessions and valuable networking opportunities. Attendees can look forward to a comprehensive agenda covering a diverse range of topics crucial to the development and cooperation within the Credit Union movement in the OECS.

Esteemed speakers for the conference include Keynote Speaker Dr. Valda Henry, Deputy Governor General Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. Dr. Irving McIntyre, Minister for Finance, Economic Development, Climate Resilience and Social Security, Mr. Verieux Mourillon, Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD), and Mr. Michel Williams, Managing Partner Navigant Consulting Services, Ms. Eleni Giakoumopoulos Director Global Women’s Leadership Network and Mr. Wendell Lawrence, Founder of Caribbean Governance Consultants Inc will also offer their insights and expertise on various key issues impacting the region. Their participation underscores the summit’s commitment to fostering informed discussions and collaborative solutions.

The DCSLL and its affiliates are looking forward to a productive and impactful summit, as participants come together to address common challenges, share best practices, and strengthen partnerships.

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