Death announcement of the late Bernard Simeon, age 92 of 42 Princess Lane, Goodwill. He died on the 24th of July at his residence.
He leaves to mourn his beloved wife Eileen Simeon
Sons: Ali, Melvin, Patrick, Winston & Carl
Daughters: Cheryl, Pearl, Bernadette & Valderma
Grandchildren: Cura, Chad, Carlene, Sylvio, Jodi, Diego, Shannon, Sheronie, Darcie, Cassie, Dmitri, Winston Jr., Espermal & Giovanni
Great grandchildren: Ace, Skaii, Talysha, Tailey & Zahir
Daughters in law: Florence & Christine Simeon
Son-in- law: Derwin Francis
Brother in law: Maclean Royer
Sisters in law: Sister Loraine Royer, Hynde & Paulina in St. Maarten
Nieces and nephews including: Phillip Horsford, Errol, Phillipson, Evelyne, June, Mervin, Norman, Augustus and Stephen
Adopted niece: Karnik Burnette
Close Friends and relatives including: Austen Carty, Sandra Telemacque & Family, Maggie Fountaine and Family, Ferillia Williams, Claudette Royer, Denise Darroux, Ophelia Lee, Rosie Bobb, Vileen Burnette & Family, Vincent Philbert & Family, Marcella Jolly, Jimmy Simeon, Monseigneur John-Lewis, The Music Lovers Band, Deliverance Baptiste Church, The Management & Staff of Dexia, Maudrina Moses & family, Hon. Mirium Blanchard, The Joseph, Casimir and Laronde families in Laplaine, Shirley Dorsette, Other Family and Friends names too numerous to mention.
The funeral of the late Bernard Simeon will be held on Friday the 16th of August 2024 at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Viewing at 2:30 pm Funeral Mass at 3:00 p.m