Dominica Death Announcement

Updated Death Announcement of 96 year old Marjorie Rita Paul nee Andrew of Morne Rachette, Dominica commonly known as Marge or Ma Limus

Updated Death Announcement of 96 year old Marjorie Rita Paul nee Andrew of Morne Rachette, Dominica commonly known as Marge or Ma Limus

We announce the death of Marjorie Rita Paul nee Andrew, age 96 of Morne Rachette, Dominica commonly known as Marge or Ma Limus. She was born in Belle Vue Grenada and formerly lived in Great Britain.

She is survived by: Stepsons Michael Paul in UK, Alson Paul,

Sister: Celia in Canada,

Niece: Grace in Grenada, Sandra Edmond in Trinidad, Sherma in America

Nephews: Ken and Edward in the United Kingdom among others

Favorite cousins Winnifred Williams, Dr. Jennifer Strachan Fontaine and Bishop Edwin De Bourg in USA and many others

In-laws: Francis, June and Oxie Paul in Morne Rachette, Sorenette Bruney and Nethelia Vidal residing in St. Maarten and many others to include Elfa Mark, Francis and Sylvester Reid, Alvin, David and Edward Adrien and the rest of the Paul family

Carers: Victoria, Kaywana, Lily, Vernie Wayland and Leonora

Close neighbours to include Alexander, Fordie

Many friends to include Leona and Petrolina Paul, Rosie Browne, Rosie Peters and the entire communities of Morne Rachette and Coulibistrie and the St, therese Parish.

The funeral mass will be held on Saturday June 15th at the Coulibistrie Roman Catholic Church, at 3 pm to be followed by her burial at Coulibistrie Catholic Cemetry. Viewing is at 2.30 p.m

She was a lifelong member of Northeastern Funeral Home.

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