Dominica Death Announcement

Updated Death Announcement of 85 year old Augustin Dupuy better known as Tototye of Bense

Updated Death Announcement of 85 year old Augustin Dupuy better known as Tototye of Bense

We Announce the death of 85 years old Augustin Dupuy better known as Tototye of Bense. He died on 18th of June 2023.

He will be remembered by his:

Daughter: Flora Dupuy Thomas.

6 Grandchildren: Rona, Linda in the United States, Sharon, Rita, Sheryl, and Nita in England.

16 Great GrandChildren: Shannal, Kimel, Alan, Danielle in the United States, De’jae, Shayanne in France, Ariel, Ashina, Shannel, Ashley, Amy, Marissa in the United States, Sherniah, Jaiyana, Tiana, And Ashley in the United States.

3 Great Great GrandChildren: Carymn in Antigua, Ayviane and Seth.

Sister: Louise Mitchel.

1 son in Law: Everington Thomas.

3 Grandsons in Law: Oliver, Gene in the United States, and Jerimah.

Nieces and Nephews: Judith, Helen, Hyacinth, Sarah, Cherrilee, Cathrina, June, Juliette, Marthina, Josiah, Lybird, Vincent, Titus, Abel, Adam, Philomen, Reuben, Byron, Irenus.

Many Grand and Great Grand Nieces and Nephews and other relatives both here and Abroad too numerous to mention.

Close Friends: Letisha, Emelda, Leopold,

Caretakers: Nurse seaman and her assistant, Doctors and nurses on the Imray ward.

Many other Relatives both here and abroad are too numerous to mention.

The body of the late Augustin Dupuy will be viewed at 2:30 P.M on Friday 30th June 2023 at the Anse De Mai Roman Catholic church.

The Funeral service takes place at 3:00 P.M and followed by interment @ La Croix Public cemetery, Anse De Mai.

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