Forecast for Today and Tonight:
Cloudy to overcast with showers which could be moderate to heavy at times and isolated thunderstorms
Wind: East north easterly to East south easterly at 10 to 25 km/h with higher gust near showers
Sea Conditions: Moderate in open water
Waves: 2.0 to 2.5 meters or 7.0 to 8.0 feet.
Warning/Advisory: A Small Craft Advisory is in effect for above normal seas
Sunrise: 6:06 AM
Sunset: 5:33 PM
Low Tide: 6:08 AM and 6:35 PM
High Tide: 12:23 PM
Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles
Valid from: 6:00 AM on Wednesday, November 11, 2020
A trough system is expected to continue to generate cloudiness, shower and thunderstorm activity, which could be moderate to heavy at times, mainly across the northern and central portions of the island chain, including Dominica, during the next 24 hours. Unstable conditions are projected to linger across the area throughout most of the week with a temporary break in showers expected tomorrow.
A Flood Warning is in effect for Dominica until 12 noon today, Wednesday 11th November, 2020. This warning may be extended if necessary. A flood warning means that flooding is already occurring or expected to occur during the period. People in areas prone to flooding, landslides and falling rocks are advised to be extremely vigilant and to exercise caution.
Meanwhile, a tropical wave was analyzed and introduced just east of the island chain and is expected to affect the area by Friday.
Moderate sea conditions are expected during the next 24 hours with waves peaking near 8.0ft. A small craft advisory is in effect. Small craft operators and sea bathers, particularly the east coast, are advised to exercise caution.
For more information call: 4491752 or 6114490
Please note that a greater degree of cloudiness, more frequent rainfall and higher rainfall amounts are normally experienced across the east coast and interior of Dominica.
Prepared by: Marshall Alexander (Forecaster)