Forecast for Today and Tonight:
Mostly cloudy, slightly hazy and breezy with a few, light to moderate showers and a slight chance of isolated thunderstorms in the morning
Wind: E to ENE @ 20 to 40 km/h
Sea Conditions: Slight to moderate
Waves: 1.5 to 2.0 meters or 5.0 to 7.0 feet.
Warning/Advisory: None at this time
Sunrise: 5:36 AM
Sunset: 6:38 PM
Low Tide: 12:20 PM and 11:11 PM
High Tide: 4:44 AM and 6:27 PM
Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles
Valid from: 6:00 AM on Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Weak unstable conditions are expected to maintain a few showers, with a slight chance of isolated thunderstorms in the area mainly during the morning.
Moderate seas are anticipated during the next 24 hours, with waves up to 7.0ft today along the eastern coast, increasing to 8.0ft tonight. Further deterioration is expected tomorrow, with swells up to 12ft.
A TROPICAL STORM WATCH is in effect for Dominica. At 5am, Tropical Storm Bret was located about 688 miles east south east of Dominica, moving westward at about 16mph. The track and intensity forecasts are projecting for the centre of Bret to maintain a more southerly path and to cross the Lesser Antilles as a tropical storm overnight Thursday. The storm is expected to begin affecting the region from tomorrow, Thursday.
Residents should closely monitor Tropical Storm Bret and ensure that they have their hurricane season plans finalized and ready for activation to protect life, property and livelihood.