Lecturer, Radio Personality and Entrepreneur, Trudy Christian recently facilitated a workshop geared at encouraging teachers to manage their stress levels so as to improve the delivery of content to students.
Christian holds a Masters degree in Public Health, lectures Biology at the Dominica State College and recently launched her own business.
She says, “We went over how detrimental chronic stress can be to the body and all the body systems which are affected by chronic stress. We also went into how best we can manage stress”.
Christian says that proper diet and exercise is essential to stress management as well as minimizing the intake alcohol and caffeine and taking time for self care.
According to Christian the information was well received by the participants.
She says, “The feedback on the workshop was very positive. The teachers indicated that they appreciated the content of the sessions and they felt that it was very useful…They also felt that they learnt new things particularly about all the different ways that chronic stress can negatively impact their bodies”.
Christian says that in her opinion the topic is important as teachers do experience stressful situations in their profession. She adds that learning how to preserve one’s physical health in the face of extreme stress is important for the holistic well being of the teacher and by extension the students.
The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Education.