The Ministry of Education has embarked on three days of professional development for teachers from February 17-19.
According to Chief Education Officer, Dr. Jeffrey Blaize, the ministry noticed areas of deficiency in students in national assessments and decided to better equip teachers to deliver content in these areas.
He says, “Investment in teacher training will pay off in terms of student outcome but that can only happen if we improve our monitoring capabilities; if we improve our clinical supervision capabilities; if we increase the networking among teachers and sharing of best practices so that when teachers are exposed to training they are able to return to their schools and assist their colleagues in terms of implementing the strategies learnt and sharing of the best practices”.
Dr.Blaize calls upon principals to supervise teachers to ensure that what is learnt is put into classroom teaching.
He emphasized that the most important aspect of education is ensuring that students meet the desired outcomes in the curriculum.
The professional development workshops focused on Teaching English as a Second Language, Writing and Comprehension and Blended Teaching focused at integrating technology in the classroom.