The Achievement Learning Center(ALC) is proving itself to be truly innovative and able to withstand whatever challenges encountered. At present, while adapting to the circumstances caused by COVID-19, the ALC is also faced with financial problems with regards to its building. Presently, the ALC does not know whether they will be able to return to their building even after the all clear has been given. Nevertheless, the staff have continued to provide instruction using technology while students are at home because of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The ALC caters primarily for students with disabilities and boasts many success stories since its opening in 2011. Ms. Viville who is the leading teacher of the Upper Primary says, “It’s a different experience in comparison to the normal class setting. The students have various disabilities and so their attention spans are shorter. We have to organize plans that are educational as well as fun to keep them engaged. However, the response from home is very encouraging. The parents accommodate the scheduled time and sometimes assist with keeping the students focused.”
Ms. Lazare who is physically challenged and uses a wheelchair says, “It’s a great experience. I don’t use the Google Classroom. I use WhatsApp video chat instead because I like to see my students face to face and make sure that they are understanding. This morning was a bit hectic with a student who did not want to do her work. However, I have a lot of patience and even when her mother told me that she had given up, I told her that I will never give up on her. I got her to relax and we got the work done. That’s just me, I will never get tired of helping a child even when he or she wants to give up, I will push and push. It’s going great!” Ms. Lazare is the co teacher for the Upper Primary. This class caters to students who are about 11 years to 17 years. Their class is called Explorers.
Ms.Lewis, who teaches the lower levels, said that this is her first time using online learning and, while it has its challenges, the experience has been a good one. She says that if there has to be a return to online teaching, she would be better prepared.
Ms. John, on the other hand, says sending the work has been a challenge because she prefers to feel and see her students to know their feelings about the work. Though she has experienced fun times, her preference is face-to-face teaching.
In addition, Principal Celaire remarked that she has not had any disciplinary referrals since Online Learning began near the end of March.
School Director, Beverly Leblanc applauds the teachers for their commitment and dedication amidst the challenges faced. More specifically, their commitment to ensure that the ALC continues to deliver online education. Presently, the resource teacher is unable to interact with the students due to a lack of internet access in her village. However, the teachers have made up for that. Special thanks goes out to Mr. Lavinier of the Ministry of Education who ensured that the students were on the Government system as all the other schools, with their Government issued email addresses, and who also helped with the technology aspect of teaching.
The ALC begins the second week of the third term today.
Dedicated teachers at ALC
Kudos to all!!!!