My fellow Dominicans, we must acknowledge that universally we are living in an ever changing health environment. This is evident in how the Covid-19 pandemic has altered our lives so drastically for the past 28 months. Despite the unforeseen changes in this time, we are reminded that health challenges still exist in other aspects of health Illnesses such as HIV and AIDS persist, a pandemic on its own. This year the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and New Health Investment, alongside the global community, will be observing WORLD AIDS DAY on Wednesday the 1ST of December under the theme “END INEQUALITIES, END AIDS”.
This year’s theme stresses that curbing the spread of many illnesses takes community effort. Prevention takes community effort. Health authorities across the globe urge us all to work together to eliminate AIDS by 2030. Our aim to end this HIV and AIDS pandemic is dependent not solely on our health systems but also on you, the citizens. You have a responsibility to treat others in a way that empowers them, a responsibility to get involved, and your involvement and attitude will impact the process of health care; impact us as we look to adopt a more Community-centered model of Care. Great emphasis is being placed on ending stigma and discrimination and upscaling advocacy thus eradicating the inequalities that persist as it relates to health care, for clients and patients who are infected with HIV and AIDS. We are calling out to organizations, individuals, businesses and institutions to join the fight to stamp out the inequalities that exist against these Victims so that they can continue to enjoy a good Quality of life.
The National HIV and AIDS Response Programme, together with the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment and our collaborating partners at civil society level want to reach out and empathize with individuals and Families affected in one way or the other by this illness. The Government of Dominica will continue to
lend the necessary support to make their quality of life as fulfilling as possible.
Covid-19 has irreversibly changed our lives but the risk for infections and other diseases has not changed; it persists. Let us be resolute and continue protecting ourselves and making responsible decisions as it relates to our sexual health and behaviour. Let us lend support to the persons who have been victimised but are also
serson’s health condition. Let us END AIDS and continue to be a prosperous nation.
We again challenge you to be part of the community that Ends inequalities and Ends AIDS in observance of this day.