The Bense/Anse De Mai/Anse Sol dat village launched the Shark United Football Club on Sunday 16th, December 2018, at the Anse de Mai playing field.
The new executive comprises of the following individuals: President – Mr. Lester Matthew, Treasurer – Nicaise Thomas, Pro – Nicholes Thomas, Secretary – Aima George and Coach – Earl White Sr. The captain of the club is Evin Leblanc and other executive members are Kelvin Mitchell and Fermine Carriere.
The Parliamentary Representative, Honourable Roselyn Paul was in attendance and she also addressed the ceremony. The club also received donations from Mr. Lloyd Paul and Dominica Football Association Mr. Earl Etienne. In addition, the Dominica Lotteries Commission handed over uniforms which were sponsored by them.
The day ended with live football games from participating teams from Roseau, Calibishie, Bense/Ansede Mai, and Anse sol dat.