We are very proud of our NATURE ISLAND status and take it seriously. We are really concerned that whilst many of us in Dominica also take it seriously most of us don’t. However, to merit and retain that reputation and title, we are insisting that all Hampstead River users abide by some basic rules so that we can maintain the natural environment free of litter, pollution and other forms of environmental degradation which are negatively impacting our reputation, health and economy. We have to cherish our places of Historic Interest and Natural Beauty like the Hampstead Works and treat them with care and respect.
According to Catholic Church leader at Our Lady of Fatima Church, White City, London just this week, (Sunday 13th February, 2022) “the beauty of creation is God’s vision for us as a planet”, and if the planet’s inhabitants are going the opposite way as evidenced in the disrespect for the environment, it has to be pointed out. In fact, environmental groups worldwide have tried different types of protests and campaigns to stop environmental abuse, and have been unpopular with many – as in the case of the Douglas sisters at the Hampstead River. But the church leader went on to say that in fact he had “deep respect ” for those people (like the Douglas sisters) who are willing to do what some might consider radical things to say “No, Enough is Enough”.
1. When we were children, we used to find lots of veeyo and crayfish in the river; this is now rare. Pollutants in the water kill the aquatic life.
2. Some complain that they itch after bathing in the river.
3. We used to do River tubing, which we call the “River Drift” and routinely meet garbage along the route.
4. We did a major coconut project at Hampstead with a foreign company. The project involved washing the coconut kernels with the river water. Testing of the water showed too many pollutants in the river, so the water had to be treated.
5. Some of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 was filmed at Hampstead. To do it, a man had to go by rope down steep ravines to retrieve the garbage – old fridges and stoves included – dumped by the public on the cliff over the river at Hampstead. This is a practice up to this day.
6. EVERY DAY, the Douglas sisters pick up garbage by the Hampstead River and all of us including the public witness vehicles being washed in and by the river all the time.
So how long should we AND Dominica continue to condone pollution? and we call ourselves “Nature Isle”? Why should we continue to tolerate actions which negatively impact our reputation, our economy, our health and our entertainment? In this era of Climate Change prominence, can we afford to ignore these issues?
Just look at our cancer rate…one of the highest in the world and we understand it is more prevalent in the banana belt in the north probably due to the use of dangerous fertilizers. In 2016, Dominica officially had the highest rate of deaths from prostate cancer in the world; even our fertility rate is negatively affected. Neighboring islands have a similar picture; they used Chlordecone akin to Gramoxone. Their extremely high rate of cancer per population size has been attributed to this weedicide in their soil. We learnt that the Martinique and Guadeloupe government has since stopped the use of this dangerous contaminant and has even stopped the public from fishing in the correspondent water area. We therefore MUST treat our environment respectfully and responsibly.
We provide good examples of our commitment to the practice of sound environmental practices and preservation of our historic heritage. We have been observing sound and responsible environmental principles for a long time.
Since 2000, Hampstead Estate has been a CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARM. Hampstead has been the biggest certified organic farm in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. We were certified by the Soil Association of the United Kingdom.
We are biodiversity conscious too; this is why we do not even encourage wild life hunting.
We also avoid the practice of clearing land by burning because burning releases black carbon which is a very potent greenhouse gas; that is what causes the earth to heat up….that is why the earth is gradually warming.
We have painted many attractive, artistic, beautiful, anti-litter and anti- pollution signs by the river.
We still have to clean the river from public litter DAILY; and it is NOT the NEP who cleans the river side. The DOUGLAS SISTERS and others WHOM THEY PAY, clean the Works area and all up the riverside.
At the last Community Day of Service, in November 2021, we planted over 150 trees to protect the banks of the river.
On World Rivers Day over the years, we have had various functions to highlight the need to protect the river and treat it responsibly.
Wide Sargasso Sea, famous book of international writer Jean Rhys was started when this outstanding literary figure was living at Hampstead.
The Water wheel by the Hampstead River is the best preserved of its kind in the island.
So, we cannot condone its desecration. We see the Works’ area as a heritage site and treat it with pride and care. We have approached a few funding agencies in the past regarding the Works restoration. Success in this would be of benefit to the entire community. It would be an outstanding addition to the tourism product in the north of the island especially as it has been lamented that there are insufficient places of interest like this for tourists, in the north of the island. So, we recognize the value and potential of the Hampstead River area.
Dominica has the rare opportunity, in this period of Climate Change dominance to catapult itself into world prominence and visibility by being the world’s leading, authentic environment haven; a true NATURE ISLAND. We need the deep conviction, courage and grit to make this happen.
Going forward, we would hope that the various community groups continue heated discussion and demonstrate commitment with regard to the Hampstead River issue which would crystalize into concrete action to solve what appears to be a national River degradation problem. We wish all concerned would collaborate with the Douglas family to help maintain a pollution free, clean and healthy environment at the Hampstead River by not littering or polluting in any form.
Hampstead Tourism Committee